Publication Requests & Permissions is committed to protecting it's intellectual property. We have created this publication request page in order to guide publications, magazines, and film studios about our best pratices. Zenotropia, LLC, it's websites, and logos are protected by copyright and all rights are reserved.

News Publications & Magazines:

We request all news publications and Magazines limit publication of any content from to 10 jokes or less per publication. This is a free permission provided there is adequate mention of If you would like to pay a licensing fee instead please contact the admin at Jokes4us.

Film Studios:

We request all Film studios limit mention of any content from to 4 jokes or less PER FILM. This is a free permission provided we are adequately mentioned in the films end credits. We DON'T extend any permissions to online only films less than 20 minutes long. If you would like access to more joke content please contact the admin at Jokes4us to discuss payment.

Books :

We are committed to protecting our intellectual property and books (or ebooks) will NOT be granted any permissions for our content.

Web Publications (Blogs):

We request all website publications (blogs) limit mention of any content from to 10 jokes or less PER MONTH; Provided we are adequately credited with a corresponding reference link. Permissions for more content will be DENIED.


If you believe you are in a category not listed above please contact the admin at Jokes4us.

Joke Generators: