Yo Mama So Skinny Jokes

Yo mama so skinny she hula hoops with a cheerio

Yo mama so skinny she has to wear a belt with spandex.

Yo mama's so skinny, her nipples touch.

Yo mama is so skinny that if she had dreads people would grab her by the ankles and use her to mop the floor.

Yo mama's so skinny, if she had a sesame seed on her head, she'd look like a push pin.

Yo mama so skinny the Olsen Twins called and said they want their eating disorder back.

Yo mama's so skinny, if she turned sideways and stuck out her tongue, she would look like a zipper.

Yo mama's so skinny, she can see out the peephole with both eyes.

Yo mama's so skinny, she has to wear skis in the shower.

Yo mama's so shinny, she had to stand in the same place twice to cast a shadow.

Your momma is so skinny she can dodge raindrops.

Yo mama's so skinny, her pants have one belt loop.

Yo momma so skinny I put a dime on her head and people mistook her for a Nail

Yo mama's so skinny, she can grate cheese on her ribs

Yo mama's so skinny, when I slapped her I got a paper cut!

yo mama is so skinny when she is taking a shower, she has to run around to get wet.

Yo mama so skinny, she choked on a SINGLE STRAND OF SPAGHETTI!

Yo mama's legs so skinny, she looks like a blow pop

your mama so skinny she can hang glide off a dorito

Yo mama so skinny she makes Tara Reid look pregnant.

yo mama so slim when she showers you have to pull her out of the drain.

yo mama so skinny she can use a bracelet as a hula hoop

yo mama is so thin that if she stands in front of a wall she looks like a crack.

your momma is so skinny when she swallowed a meatball people thought she was pregnant.

Yo mama so skinny, she could dive through a fence

Your mommas so skinny that when she stands in front of a fan she can dodge the air coming out of it.

Yo mama is so skinny and hairy the Ninja Turtles called her Master Splinter.

Yo mama so skinny, when she sticks her tongue out she looks like a zipper.

Yo momma so skinny that people thought she was a twig off a tree.

Yo mamma so skinny she can't sideways when taking a selfie.

your momma so skinny when she wears skinney jeans they look like bell bottoms

Yo mama so skinny she played the part of the staff in the story of moses

Yo mama so skinny, she stood sideways, and the teacher marked her absent.

yo mama so skinny she hid behind a stick during a game of hide and seek

Yo mama so skinny, she got hired by a magican because when she turns sideways she disappears.

Yo mamma's so skinny they couldn't find her in this joke.

Yo mama's so skinny, if she had dreads I'd grab her by the ankles and use her to mop the floor.

Yo mama's so skinny, her bra fits better backward.

Yo mama so skinny she uses bandaids for pillows

Yo momma so skinny,when she got in the bed to have sex, the man said, "Where's yo titties"

Yo mama's so skinny, when she holds her arms up she falls through her shirt and hangs herself

Yo mama's so skinny, she uses Chapstick for deodorant.

yomama so skinny you can print her out of a printer.

Yo mama's so skinny, both her nipples are touching

Yo momma so skinny she ate a M&M and looked 8 months pregnant

Yo mama is SO thin, she looks like a crack in the wall!

Yo mamma is so skinny the idea of a sword came from her body shape.

Yo mama so skinny she turned sideways and disappeared.

Yo mama so skinny, I could blind-fold her with dental floss.

Yo mama so skinny that she can hide behind a stop sign.

Yo mama so skinny, she looks like a mic stand.

Yo mama so skinny, if she turned sideways and stuck out her tongue, she would look like a zipper.

Yo mama so skinny, when she wore her yellow dress, she looked like a #2 pencil.

Yo mama so skinny, she gets her tattoos from a printer.

Yo mama so skinny, she can see through the peephole with both eyes.

Yo mama so skinny, she can dodge rain drops.

Yo mama so skinny, she has to run around in the shower to get wet.

Yo mama so skinny that you can play her ribs like a xylophone

Yo mama so skinny, I gave her a piece of popcorn and she went into a coma.

Yo mama so skinny, if she had a yeast infection she'd be a Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

Yo mama so skinny, instead of calling her your parent, you call her transparent.

Yo mama so skinny, she swallowed a meatball and thought she was pregnant.

Yo mama so skinny, she uses a Band-Aid as a maxi-pad.

Yo mama so skinny, she inspires crack whores to diet.

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