Arabic Jay Leno Jokes

"Yasser Arafat died earlier this week in Paris. And in lieu of flowers the Arafat family asked that everyone just throw rocks." --Jay Leno

"Egypt now says they will no longer recognize Israel. Well of course they don't recognize Israel, people keep blowing it up." -Jay Leno

"Yasser Arafat died last night. And this time it looks pretty permanent. How many times did he die this week? Like five? Six? He was turning into Kenny on 'South Park.'" -Jay Leno

"President Bush is in the Middle East this week to promote his Middle East peace plan. I don't think Bush quite gets it. Like today he said, 'Everything would work out in the Middle East if the Palestinians and the Israelis would just start acting like good Christians.'" -Jay Leno

"Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has cancelled his visit to the United States to meet with President Bush. You see that's when you know that the situation in the Middle East is bad, when the Israelis are worried that being seen with us will hurt their situation with the Arabs." -Jay Leno

"Positive news from President Bush: Both sides of the Middle East are signing off on his road map to peace. The bad news is the Israelis think the road goes through the West Bank, Palestinians think it goes right through downtown Jerusalem." -Jay Leno

"An Israeli man's life was saved when he was given a Palestinian man's heart in a heart transplant operation. The guy is doing fine, but the bad news is, he can't stop throwing rocks at himself." -Jay Leno

"The Democrats said today that if they were in power they could get Israel to pull out of Palestine. Oh shut up. They couldn't even get Bill to pull out of Monica." -Jay Leno

"After weeks of pleading from the United States, on Saturday Yasser Arafat finally condemned violence and terrorism in the Middle East. Nothing like a tank coming through your front door to make you change your mind." -Jay Leno

"Colin Powell's (Middle East) mission was somewhat a success. He came back alive." -Jay Leno


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