Ethiopian Jokes

Q:What is 4:3:4?
A: The measurements of miss ethiopia

Q: What does an ethiopian do with a bag of rice?
A: Open a restaurant

Q: How many ethiopians can you fit in a phone booth?
A: All of them

Q: What do ethiopians do at night?
A: They starve

Q: What do ethiopians use venetian blinds for?
A: Bunk beds

Q: What do you call an ethiopian with a sesame sead bun on his head?
A: A quarter pounder

Q: What is the fastest animal in the world?
A: Anything when it's passing through ethiopia.

Q: What do you call a 65 pound ethiopian?
A: A cannibal

Q: What do you call an ethiopian with a bag of rice?
A: Set for life

Phone Call

Three men want make phone call from Hell to remind to their relatives about its harsh conditions
Their Nationalities were American, Italian and Ethiopian.
So they decide to go to Devil who is the boss.
So the American made a call and the Devil made him to pay 100 USD, then an Italian made a call and the Devil made him to pay 10 Euros on fact that Italy is less developed than that of USA.
LASTLY an Ethiopian made a call and the Devil made him to pay a cent
Both the American and Italian complain as it is not fair and the devil responded to them
"The Ethiopian call was a local call whereas your was an International call"

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