Olympics Joke

Three guys, one Chinese, one French, and one Mexican wanted to watch the Olympics but didn't have any money to buy tickets. The Chinese guy suddenly got an idea and went home to fetch his bicycle.

He rode up to the security guard at the gate and yells, "China, bicycling! Hurry, let me in, I'm late!" The guard, not wanting to jeopardize his job, lets the Chinese guy through.

Seeing that this idea worked, the French guy runs home and grabs a long pole and runs back to the security guard and yells, "France, pole vaulting! Let me in, I'm late!"   The security guard lets the French guy through.

Seeing how great their ideas were, the Mexican runs home and grabs a chain link fence, wraps the fence around his body and hops up to the security guard and yells, "Mexico, fencing!"

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