Sisters of St Francis Joke

A man is driving on a deserted highway when he sees a billboard:

"The Sisters of St. Francis, House of Prostitution, 10 Miles"

Believing he misread the sign, he continues on his way. Soon he reads another billboard:

"The Sisters of St. Francis, House of Prostitution, 5 miles"

The man is stunned, but he still doubts when he sees the next billboard:

"The Sisters of St. Francis, House of Prostitution, Next Right"

Curiosity pushes him, as well as his desire for worship, he turns right and eventually arrive on a parking lot.
He parks in front of a massive door carrying the sign:
"The Sisters of St. Francis"

He rings the doorbell, and the door is opened when a nun in black clothes comes to open it.
She asks "What can we do for you, my son?"
He replies "I saw the sign on the road, and I'm interested"
"Very well, my son, follow me," said the nun.
She leads him through various passages, and he feels quickly disoriented. The nun stops in front of a closed door and says "Please knock on the door."
He knocks on the door, and a young and pretty nun appears, carrying a small cup seductively says "Put 100 dollars in the cup, then go through the door at the end of this corridor."

He takes out the 100 dollars, puts it in the cup, and starts trotting briskly towards the door, which he crosses.
As the door slams behind him, he realizes he's back in the parking lot. In front of him a sign:
"Go in peace, you have been well fucked by the Sisters of St. Francis, let this serve you as a lesson"

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